
High Society Fashion GmbH

Höferwiesen 85
DE - 88267 Vogt

Phone: +49 (0)179 9219308
[email protected]

Sales tax identification number according to §27a sales tax law: DE326059419

General Terms and Conditions

You can find our General Terms And Conditions here.

  • High Society Fashion GmbH
  • Höferwiesen 85
  • DE - 88267 Vogt
  • [email protected]
  • +49 (0)179 9219308
Imprint |


High Society Fashion GmbH

Höferwiesen 85
DE - 88267 Vogt

Phone: +49 (0)179 9219308
[email protected]

Sales tax identification number according to §27a sales tax law: DE326059419

General Terms and Conditions

You can find our General Terms And Conditions here.

AGB | Datenschutz
All prices are purchase prices and without statutory sales tax.